Hi everyone!!!
Are you looking for a new place to sell your handcrafted items? Someplace that's inexpensive, fun and helpful? A place where you can actually customize your store so that it can match your logo, your banner, and your general color scheme? Look no further! ArtFire is the place for you!!!
With a wonderful verified account (for only $12.00 per month) you can upload up to 10 pictures of your products. Write out wonderfully long descriptions, submit directly to a bunch of different social networks. The list is endless for what ArtFire helps out with. They make promoting your products as easy as a click of a button. (Because most of the time, that's all you have to do!!!)
They also have a really cool gizmo called "rapid cart". You can put this on your blog, your website, where ever you can insert different widgets. People can buy your products directly from the rapid cart. No need to register on the ArtFire website first. How cool is that? No need to register to buy stuff? A lot of custotmers are going to like that!!! (You can see what my rapid cart looks like over on the right hand side!!!)
So, is this tempting to you? Are you ready to sign up for a fabulous studio of your very own?
Register on ArtFire.com
Great Post! Very Informative!! Now if i could only rangle in my creative side lol