
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Life, New Goals

Awhile back, I posted my "Sand is Always Blue" piece here on my blog.  That the very first step on a creative journey that met with several pitfalls in 2010.  Financial troubles, losing my darling dad, and general depression took over, and I lost the path. 
After floundering a lot, and stumbling through the underbrush of my own mind, I think I've found the path back.
So, I start this year with this statement:
This is my year.  My year to fly.  My year to try new things.  My year to say "Good or bad, I'm trying!"  I'm going to attempt new mediums, new ideas.  I might hit dead ends, I might succeed.  Who knows?  BUT I will NOT let fear, of failure or success, be my guide any longer!
I welcome you to walk beside me as I travel.  I welcome your comments and critiques.  I welcome you to share new things you are trying.
With that in mind, here is my new mission statement for the coming year:
The Beaded Branch Blog encompasses my journey back to creativity as I re-learn to think outside the box, and create many new Beaded Branches of jewelry, and other pieces of art.  I also hope, that as I travel, reports from my "journey" will inspire you to try new things, and explore the world of art around you!


  1. It's gonna be a Rockin' year for us! Can't wait to see and hear more from you!

  2. Whoot! What a great outlook to start the year! :D
